Running Again

PalmTree Sunset (HDR)
Today I went for my first run since I injured my leg about two weeks ago. As short as the run was, it certainly felt great to be running again.

After my run, I did yoga! This is the first time I've tried yoga, and I liked it. I downloaded a sample routine from iTunes, and think I'll go back and get some more. It is a great way to stretch, and makes it easy to follow along with a routine. The female trainer is fun to look at also, so that helps.

This evening I saw some kids fishing in the ocean during sunset. They were not using polls, just tossing their lines into a large school of fish, rodeo style. I sat and watched for a few minutes, then ran back to the house to get my camera. Unfortunately they were gone by the time I got back.

Scott will be here in 48 hours, and I'm really looking forward to his visit. His timing couldn't be better. I am nearly out of money, and have been rationing my cash so much lately that I have honestly been a little bored.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of the country, besides just Coco where I live. Scott is renting a car during his two week visit, and I'm sure that will be put to good use. There are a lot of little beaches nearby, but the big attraction is the volcanoes.

I am really liking this HDR photography. My camera is great, and I really have enjoyed using it over the past few years. However, I am starting to recognize some of its limitations. First, it saves pictures in JPG format, which compresses the image to save room, but which also removes some of the details in the pictures.

Also, it does not do Auto-Bracketing, which is a great way to capture images for HDR processing. I can get away with what I have, manually adjusting the exposure between shots, but my eyes have been opened to what could be with a better camera...

Ok, last gripe. Since my camera is a point-and-shoot, I cannot change the lens. I think having a pocket camera for travel is perfect, but since I am not backpacking, and more stationary, I am starting to have a look at the more high-end cameras...

Welp, lots to do before Scott arrives... Pura Vida mis amigos...
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