Lucky's GF

This is kind of a cool shot...

At the top you can see Lucky, my "pet" gecko. Apparently he has found himself a girlfriend, which you can see in the middle of the picture. She's on the other side of the curtains...

Before I left California, my Mom gave me a first-aid kit, which came in very handy today. The sun is shining for the first time in a few days, so I decided to go for a nice ocean swim this morning.

When I swim, I walk down to the beach barefoot. I'm pretty sure that if I left my sandals sitting on the beach for a half hour, they'd be missing by the time I got back.

Unfortunately, because its been raining so much lately, the sidewalks here are very slippery with mud, mud, & more mud. I was walking down my neighbor's driveway and my feet slid out from under me. Because I was carrying my SwiMP3, and rather than dropping them, I just kept my fist closed and hit pretty hard. I landed on the knuckles of my right hand, and scrapped them open pretty bad.

Talk about a very intense swim. My knuckles were bleeding, it was high tide, and the waves were pretty rough. I was forced to swim further away from shore than usual, and I just kept imagining a shark was following my blood trail in the water. To make matters worst, I was the only one in the water as far as I could see. People were sitting on the beach, but not swimming...

To top it all off, my SwiMP3 didn't even work, so I had no tunes. This left me with only my thoughts & imagination to run wild. Honestly, I'm surprised I even got in the water. At the end of it all, I always feel great after a swim, and I even got some sun too, so it was all worth it.

Over weekend the condo next to me got rented. This is the first time I've seen people in there since I moved in. I hadn't really noticed how perfect my setup is here, until I had neighbors living on the other side of the wall from me. Thankfully, they left yesterday, and I now have my duplex back to myself again.

I will leave you with this thought... This moment in time is the furthest my immediate family has ever been apart from each other:

My lil sister is in Huntington.
My lil brother is in Garden Grove.
My big brother is in Catalina.
My parents are in Almanor.
And I'm in Costa Rica...
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