Blue Grotto

My Own Personal Blue Grotto

I get to wake up to this every morning. It is the light reflecting off the pool outside, shining up through the curtains, and it always reminds me of the Blue Grotto in Greece.

The summer after high school I got the opportunity to visit Europe with my girlfriend at the time. One of the places we visited was Greece, and the Blue Grotto on the small island of Megisti. There is a cave there which has a small opening just above the water line.

The rocks surrounding the cave come down off the hill and stop a few feet under water. This allows sunlight to bounce down through the ocean and fill up the cave with a turquoise-blueish color.

During a low tide, the water recedes just far enough to sneak into the cave on small gondolas. Once inside, the cavern becomes an amazing soundscape, and the Greek tour guides all start to serenade their passengers.

After a quick trip around the cave, it is equally as tricky to get back out. Everyone has to lay down on their back in the gondola, and hang on. The guide must time it just right, and catch a wave to slip back out into the open ocean...

That was a fun trip...
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