About Me

My name is Adam, and this blog was created to chronicle my year-long trip to Central America and beyond, beginning around mid-2010.

My story begins in Southern California, where I have lived all my life. During my years, I have traveled to nearly every continent around the globe. My goal has always been to set foot on all seven by the time I was 30. That birthday came & went, and I missed it by two: South America and Antarctica.

I am currently 31, and plan to check at least one more continent off my list by the end of 2011, South America. I do not currently have plans to visit Antarctica on this trip, but ya never know...

In order to make this extended vacation a reality, I have decided to give up all of my possessions, including my job, my house, my car and my beloved dog, Leena. Admittedly, I will be putting some souvenirs in storage, as these cannot be easily replaced since they were collected during my travels around the world.

I believe I have the experience required to make this trip a success. However, this will be unlike any adventure I have attempted in the past. During the summer of 2002, I spent a month living in George Town, Australia. This gave me a brief glimpse of living abroad, but the full experience escaped me. I then spent a month bouncing around Europe in 2005, a much different experience without a home base. I have yearned to return to that life style ever since.

My jumping off point is Costa Rica, where I will settle in for a few months, or until my Costa Rica Visa runs out. The plan is to hit Belize, Nicaragua, and Panama on my way south to Ecuador. It seems a bit backwards starting in Costa Rica, but my research shows this is the safest place to start.

There is a lot to do in preparation, but I find that anticipation is half the trip. I have started this blog early to capture my thoughts, feelings, difficulties, and accomplishments along the way. I hope you enjoy it...

Please feel free to follow along as this journey progresses.