
Another big week...

Over the weekend my brother came & picked up the washer & dryer. Here's a picture of Leena where they used to be, too funny. I've spent the bulk of my time cleaning the garage so we can get those monsters out of there, and now its time to pack up the rest of the house.

I received word yesterday that the sale of my motorcycle has fallen through. Apparently the buyer had trouble getting financed. Bummer, but my sister's boyfriend might have a guy that's interested. Either way, I'll have to post another ad on craig's list... fun.

This morning my parents agreed to take care of Leena for me. That's huge news for me, and lets me focus solely on the move, rather than dreading the loss of Leena. We're thinking that my uncle might be interested in her, but haven't contacted him yet. Regardless, my Dad offered to let me leave Leena at their house when I leave, and they will do whatever needs to be done with her. I have a feeling I'm going to sleep very well tonight, first time in a long time.

Also this morning, I showed my parents my tattoo. A couple weeks ago my Dad caught a glimpse of it during breakfast, and my Mom got the truth out of my sister. Not that I was hiding it, just waiting for the right moment. I put my Grandfather's "smiley face" under my right arm, so that he'll always be with me. Not a day passes that I don't think about him, and gave the tattoo idea a lot of thought, over 14 months before I did it. I wanted to put my AntyGrahm under my left arm, but couldn't think of a symbol that represents her the way I had for my GDoug, so I just got the one.

This afternoon I sent off my first payment on the townhouse I'll be renting in Costa Rica. There is some concern about the validity of this rental, and I'm taking a chance sending off money site-unseen. However, I've vetted this as much as possible from the US, and its worth the risk in my opinion. I guess we'll find out when I get down there. Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

Every time someone comes over, I try to give something away. I feel like an old grandparent, who starts giving away their possessions when they feel the end is near. There is simply too much stuff here to sell in time, and some of it I'd rather go to my friends & family anyways. This weekend my parents are coming over to start the "real" move. This house will no longer feel like a home after that.

As of today, I officially have 40 days left before my trip, so we're inside 6 weeks. Geesh time flies. It seems like only yesterday, etc etc...
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