
It’s quiet… and really bright!

Over the past week, my parents have been helping me pack up the house. We have made tremendous progress, but still I feel there is so much to do.

So far, we have sorted through the entire garage, a feat unto itself. Everything is in boxes at this point, except my clothes, and the walls are bare. The kitchen is packed up, cupboards emptied, cleaned, and even the kitchen table is now missing.

Today my Dad & I spent about four hours removing the special light switches I installed over the past four years. This means that I can no longer dim my lights, which makes my house either too bright, or too dark, but it needed to be done sooner rather than later. I actually have to walk around and turn lights on & off… oh the horror!!

It’s quiet because my cable service is no more, including the TV & Internet. No television, no Netflix, no internet radio, no email, no skype calls, no text messaging, no twitter, no news… you get the idea. It’s peaceful, but unusually quiet around here.

This evening I had to drive down to the local Town Center just to get a signal on a hotspot so I can make some business & personal calls. It is truly amazing how much of my life has come to depend on the internet. I must hop on & offline at least 100 times a day; who knows, maybe more. Without cell service, the feeling of disconnect is that much more amplified.

We’re close, maybe another week out from leaving this house behind. I can’t say I’ll miss it, but will always remember it with fondness.
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