
It was a big day today...

I started cleaning the garage this afternoon. After about 6 hours of work, I'm only half way through, and maybe not even that much. There were a lot of boxes to go through, a lot of junk to throw away, and a lot of stuff to organize.

During the cleaning, I found lots of things I've been missing. It was like Christmas, sort of. My camera was a big item, and very happy I found it. Ten megapixel pictures will be a much better record of the trip, compared to three megapixels on my phone's camera.

I found the connector for my GPS watch. This allows me to upload my running history to the web. How fun is it going to be to upload my runs, and have my family and friends see exactly where I'm running?

Just as I was finishing cleaning, the owner of the condo I'm looking at called me. They are really excited to have me stay at their townhouse for the summer. Looks like I'll be renting their place until December. It will be very nice to have a home base for the beginning of my trip.

Shortly after that, I received confirmation from the airlines about my tickets. Done, and, done. I now have a date set in stone. It feels very different to actually be looking at a specific date, rather than just an idea of when...

I received a couple of letters today regarding the foreclosure on my house. They stated that the house is currently scheduled to go to auction around the end of July. The timing couldn't be better, as it gives me plenty of time to finish cleaning & move out. Anyone need to buy some furniture? I've got lots, and its all got to go....

I haven't started taking anything off the walls yet, like pictures & paintings. It seems like the house will feel a little creepy when I start doing that. There is plenty of other stuff to do before then, like finish the garage, sell the motorcycle, find a home for Leena, etc. etc... Wow, now that I think about it, there is still a lot to do :)
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