Week 1

Week 1 down, 51 more weeks to go...

Its not all that uncommon to find the beach empty like this. I've been down to the beach everyday since I got here a little over a week ago. Strange, but I've lived on the beach before, with sand literally underneath my house, and even then I didn't visit the beach this much.

The heat is getting to be pretty pleasant. Even though its humid, the dishes dry quickly, shirts air out fast, sweat evaporates, its really not that big of deal. Its weird, but I'm starting to drink my coffee without ice in it now, which I would never do at home. Maybe for the same reason that I run hot water in the sink & shower, because it makes the air around you feel cooler... lol.

So what a Laker's game last night!! I called my little sis just before the game (she's a huge Laker fan), and it was so good to hear her voice. I hope she gets on Skype so we can do a video walk through of my place. Spoiler alert, it was a 2 point game with 11 seconds to go in the 4th quarter of game 7 in the season finals... Awesome...

I made friends with a local taxi driver today, Juan Carlos, cool name. That really is the way to go if you're ever relegated to relying on taxis for transportation. Calling into the main switch board on a regular basis is a total pain. This way you get to know your driver, and can simply call up and say, "hay, I need a ride"... no address needed, and they usually cut you a better deal since you're one of their regulars.

Life has certainly slowed down lately. The past 6 months have been a whirlwind of emotion, effort, planning and preparation. My walk has slowed to a saunter, I'm sleeping at least 8 hours every night, my mind is relaxed and I'm sure my blood pressure is down. The small amount of actual work I have done has been fun again. I'm actually starting to consider hobby projects again, much like I used to many, many years ago. I forgot what it was like to enjoy what you do, without the overbearing need for money.
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