
I visited Tamarindo (aka: Tamagringo) for the first time today. Honestly, it's reputation may be a little over hyped. The beach certainly looked nice, and there were plenty of people on it. I'm sure that if I surfed, I may feel a little differently.

There were many local thugs hanging about, eyeballing each passerby as a mark. At least that's what it felt like. If it wasn't a thug, it was an American, and that's not really what I'm looking for. The roads are not really roads at all, but more like well traveled cuts of dirt. I didn't even take time to get a picture, but I'm sure I'll visit again before too long.

Perhaps I'm being a bit harsh, since I was only in town for a half hour at most. I had a few errands to run, then turned straight around and headed back for Coco. It was good to be back home, but I didn't stay long.

A friend of mine had to run out to Papagayo, and I tagged along. The video above was shot from the backyard of the Four Seasons Resort. I had a chance to meet "el gran jefe" (the big boss) of the Four Seasons, and his office is just incredible, as you can imagine. I wish I had snapped a picture of his view, it was breathtaking.

This is the third time I have seen this tiny lizard in my place. Once in my bedroom, and twice now in the downstairs bathroom. It seems he is my first house guest, bienvenida. He is missing the end of his tale, so I'm sure it is the same lizard which I keep seeing. Of course, it was a little strange to get used to at first, but when in Rome...

I still have not spotted any monkeys, although I hear reports of them all around town. Howlers, which are the most common, live here all year round. They are not as big as the sound they make, which is probably a defense mechanism.

On the other hand, White Faces, which are far more rare in these parts, have not been seen here for about a month. I heard a story today about a White Face that was helping raise a Howler, an event that is locally considered unheard of, since they are natural enemies. If I can secure video of that, I'll be sure to post it here, an adaleeben exclusive :)

Fun day today...
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