
Another big week...

Over the weekend my brother came & picked up the washer & dryer. Here's a picture of Leena where they used to be, too funny. I've spent the bulk of my time cleaning the garage so we can get those monsters out of there, and now its time to pack up the rest of the house.

I received word yesterday that the sale of my motorcycle has fallen through. Apparently the buyer had trouble getting financed. Bummer, but my sister's boyfriend might have a guy that's interested. Either way, I'll have to post another ad on craig's list... fun.

This morning my parents agreed to take care of Leena for me. That's huge news for me, and lets me focus solely on the move, rather than dreading the loss of Leena. We're thinking that my uncle might be interested in her, but haven't contacted him yet. Regardless, my Dad offered to let me leave Leena at their house when I leave, and they will do whatever needs to be done with her. I have a feeling I'm going to sleep very well tonight, first time in a long time.

Also this morning, I showed my parents my tattoo. A couple weeks ago my Dad caught a glimpse of it during breakfast, and my Mom got the truth out of my sister. Not that I was hiding it, just waiting for the right moment. I put my Grandfather's "smiley face" under my right arm, so that he'll always be with me. Not a day passes that I don't think about him, and gave the tattoo idea a lot of thought, over 14 months before I did it. I wanted to put my AntyGrahm under my left arm, but couldn't think of a symbol that represents her the way I had for my GDoug, so I just got the one.

This afternoon I sent off my first payment on the townhouse I'll be renting in Costa Rica. There is some concern about the validity of this rental, and I'm taking a chance sending off money site-unseen. However, I've vetted this as much as possible from the US, and its worth the risk in my opinion. I guess we'll find out when I get down there. Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

Every time someone comes over, I try to give something away. I feel like an old grandparent, who starts giving away their possessions when they feel the end is near. There is simply too much stuff here to sell in time, and some of it I'd rather go to my friends & family anyways. This weekend my parents are coming over to start the "real" move. This house will no longer feel like a home after that.

As of today, I officially have 40 days left before my trip, so we're inside 6 weeks. Geesh time flies. It seems like only yesterday, etc etc...


I have two days that I'm looking down the barrel at, and they are both going to take a piece away from me.

The first is the day I'll have to say goodbye to my Leena. I've been counting down now for about a month, and at best I have 40 days left with her. Every night and every morning I try to explain, but she can't understand what I'm saying. She just looks at me with love, and my heart breaks.

Second, I have to walk away from this house. My "family" and I had many good, many great, and many bad times here. It represents but a single moment in my life, and a fleeting one at that. However, it was a time of growth, a time of love, and will never be forgotten, but hopefully forgiven.

I've been crying most of today, as the reality of my loss hit me harder than most other days. I'm comforted simply by my idea of a future, one of the same success my past has seen. If I can deviate from past ambitions, and settle into a modest existence, I might have a chance. It is my drive, maybe even greed, that drove my stress, which fueled my ambition.

Sorry to get so poetic, it's how my mind works. I am excited, and proud of my move. Truth be told, I can't wait to get there, but it's what has to happen between now & then that is so crushing........

What's the saying? Nothing ventured, nothing gained? We'll see, says the zen master...


It was a big day today...

I started cleaning the garage this afternoon. After about 6 hours of work, I'm only half way through, and maybe not even that much. There were a lot of boxes to go through, a lot of junk to throw away, and a lot of stuff to organize.

During the cleaning, I found lots of things I've been missing. It was like Christmas, sort of. My camera was a big item, and very happy I found it. Ten megapixel pictures will be a much better record of the trip, compared to three megapixels on my phone's camera.

I found the connector for my GPS watch. This allows me to upload my running history to the web. How fun is it going to be to upload my runs, and have my family and friends see exactly where I'm running?

Just as I was finishing cleaning, the owner of the condo I'm looking at called me. They are really excited to have me stay at their townhouse for the summer. Looks like I'll be renting their place until December. It will be very nice to have a home base for the beginning of my trip.

Shortly after that, I received confirmation from the airlines about my tickets. Done, and, done. I now have a date set in stone. It feels very different to actually be looking at a specific date, rather than just an idea of when...

I received a couple of letters today regarding the foreclosure on my house. They stated that the house is currently scheduled to go to auction around the end of July. The timing couldn't be better, as it gives me plenty of time to finish cleaning & move out. Anyone need to buy some furniture? I've got lots, and its all got to go....

I haven't started taking anything off the walls yet, like pictures & paintings. It seems like the house will feel a little creepy when I start doing that. There is plenty of other stuff to do before then, like finish the garage, sell the motorcycle, find a home for Leena, etc. etc... Wow, now that I think about it, there is still a lot to do :)


It finally happened...

A notice of default was filed against my property within the last few weeks, the exact date is unknown to me.

However, it looks like the timing will work out just perfect. I received a letter from one of my mortgage companies that gave me 30 days to respond, after which a forclosure proceeding will commence.

So, I have until the end of April to make a payment, otherwise the inevitable will take place, and I'm counting on it. This process gives me yet another 30 days to vacate or "else"... Not their language, but you get the idea. I have until at least the end of May to respond, according to my thinking.

Time to fire up the Craig's List ads, and get my furniture moved. What I don't/can't sell online, I hope to hold a giant, prices slashed, garage sale at an undisclosed location. Sorry, this is a public forum.

I made arrangements today with my utility companies to turn everything off on June XX, the day after I leave. They kept offering to spread my past due balance over the next three months. I laughed a little, and told them I'd rather pay this upfront at a local payment center, knowing that I have no bank accounts or credit cards.

My phone company was really confused. A supervisor actually told me they could not disconnect my home phone line, without a new phone number to reach me on. After a half hour conversation about "everything is going digital", and that I do not have a phone number, he finally agreed to turn off my home phone. Everyone's a salesman...

I have not bought my airline tickets yet, but am very settled on the date. There is a beautiful condo for rent in a perfect location for me, and I hope that it will work out. I have already made arrangements to exit the country, which is required by Costa Rican customs.

Everything seems to be working itself out, yet I'm still a little nervous. My biggest fear is that I'll have to give up Leena to the local Husky Rescue. Not a terrible option, but I really wanted to find a home for her on my own. Turns out, everyone wants a puppy, and by proxy, deal with the housebreaking, pooping, nonsense. Too each their own...

At this moment, I'm excited about the life I am creating for myself. I know there are repercussions about what I am doing, but those threats have little bearing on my own happiness. As I've said before, I've worked for decades to supply others with a life style that they desire. Its now time for what I desire, and to let go of the fear that others try to hold against the weak.