
Well, its official, I've started packing...

My parents brought me some boxes during our weekly Thursday morning breakfast, they're awesome. I'm so happy to have their support in this, I wasn't sure how they were going to take it. Our weekly breakfast will be sorely missed while I'm away!

Packing is a big step in the process. There is a lot to pack, and a lot to sell, but mostly the work is just going through everything and deciding whats staying, and whats going.

The past week has had a lot of ups & downs. My last post was about selling my motorcycle. That fell through this week. Turns out, the buyer went and bought a new motorcycle instead. He got such a great deal, that I can't really blame him. So now, the bike goes on Craigslist, and I must wade through the phone calls from dealers, and people who are just bored on the internet. Hopefully I can get my asking price, but at this point I'd just be happy to have the cash.

While looking around for a new home for the dog, my pooper-scooper offered to put the word out. He's awesome, and I'm glad we've become friends above and beyond the client-server relationship. He asked for some pictures, so I threw a few of my favorites online. I've you're interested, check out

An old neighbor from childhood past away this week. He & I were never very close, but he & his wife are long time friends of my family. I remember as a kid watching his slide shows from his travels, and that has had a lasting effect on me. Particularly, his under water diving photos, which I was always captivated by. I've taken hundreds of scuba diving pictures since then, and hopefully will take many more in Central America.

I finished my pending work early in the week, and that made life run a little slower. I'm not complaining, its nice to sit around all day, take a nap in the sun, run my dog, practice my Spanish. Such is the life I have created for myself, and I'm loving every minute of it. I was just telling a good friend of mine how peaceful and relaxing this is; such a diversion from my past years.

Ended the week on a high note: my associate and I are bidding on a 50+ hour project together. The 5 to 10 hour projects are great, and always provide something new and exciting. However, it will be fun to sink my teeth into a larger project like this... and the paycheck isn't bad either.
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