
What a difference a day makes...

While it is never fun to deal with DBAG, at least I was able to mostly work with GMan and sort out our plan for moving forward. Set in writing as of this post, thank goodness.

It is truly amazing how much that guy brings me down. The further & further away from him I get, the happier & happier I become.

Now that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I feel as though my life can finally move on. I can return to thinking about my pending move to Costa Rica, day-dreaming about the central american sun, working with people I actually like working with, and making money only when I feel like making money.

Sometimes I feel as though my life has become similar to a silhouette. Extreme beauty in some areas, deep darkness in others. I know now that is a side effect of my work over the last 10 years. The level of stress was literally killing me. Had the good people in my life not given me the strength & courage to make a change on such a drastic note, I would not have survived much longer.

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger? Maybe, we'll see, says the zen master. I am still scared about moving over 3,000 miles away, where I know nobody & don't currently speak the local language fluently. However, I'm still willing to do it, if for nothing else than the adventure, and that's something.

Life, for me, is no longer about survival, especially not flourishing monetarily under an evil dictator. Now that I am free of my obligations, life has become about living, with a minor in searching for happiness.

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