
So its my birthday today, happy birthday to me I guess...

I woke up to a livid email from a certain lawyer claiming he is going to bring a law suit against me. For the record, 7:30am on my birthday is way to early to be thinking about this stuff... DBAG stopped by my parents house this afternoon, please tell me we're not going to have to file a restraining order.

What better way to top off my morning than to receive a Happy Birthday text from my ex!... thats all I need, scar = ripped open... thank you, come again... I know she is just trying to be sweet, but its still hard for me to hear from her.

Almost got mugged on my way back to the house this evening. Gangsters in the park, I had a pizza in my hands, need I say more? They're just punks, probably drinking, 6 of them, 1 of me, how could that not have happened? Needless to say I was not in the mood to listen to their banter, I pushed through & headed up the stairs fairly quickly... awesomeness...

Looks like I'll be staying another day, at least until Saturday at this point. I suppose this is good training for my pending move, so I got that going for me. It really is quite beautiful here during a big storm. I walked around town today after the rains this morning, its so quite, nobody is on the streets, very peaceful.

A bolder fell into town this afternoon. Nearly crushed the bike shop downtown. It fell from one of the hills next to the basketball courts. Everything to the right side of town is completely closed off to the public now, and that includes the boat docs. Not really sure when I'll get home at this point, but thats ok...

Oh ya, did I mention its my Birthday!
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