
That was strange....

I just had a P.I. knock on my door. He introduced himself, took a picture of me standing in the doorway, jumped in a white Mercedes, and drove off...

Probably sent from one of my creditors, just to prove that I'm still living here. Honestly, who does that?? How strange...

Two things have changed since my last post... The EX has decided not to deal with the dog. Awesomeness, right?!? Now what...

And, lil bro is not going to be able to move out before my move. That's too bad, really. I'm selling my stuff for 1/4th what I bought it for, seems like a waste of money, but that's what I'm good at, making & wasting money :)

Country Side

Just a quick shot of the country side during today's run with Leena... this was taken shortly after a lite rain this morning. Click on the image to see the full size.


I try to find moments of bliss during my day that give me the strength to continue in the face of adversity.

A simple look from my dog; A professional accomplishment after hours or sometimes days of work; The feeling of reciprocated love; These are all moments that I live for.

I have been giving a lot of thought lately to what my life will be like after my move to Costa Rica. Will I still be able to find these moments? Probably not, but there will be other moments that will present themselves, and I will learn to love those just as much.

New experiences is what this trip is all about, that and to find happiness again. Find a new life, in a new country, in a new culture, and learn what my limits are, learn a new language, and see where I end up.

I looked at plain tickets again today. Thank goodness prices came back down to under $200. For a while I couldn't find anything under $500, and that was making me a little nervous. However, I have to fly through Fort Lauderdale now, not so bad but I have a 3 hour layover at 7am... not so fun.

I was hoping to push my plans up to April, but now they have moved back to June. I'm putting my motorcycle on Craig's List next week. I love that bike but haven't ridden it in years. I should have sold it 2 years ago, but I'm stubborn like that.

The house is starting to come together. I haven't started boxing anything up yet, mostly throwing stuff away that I don't think I can sell. At some point I'll have to have a big moving sale, and take care of the big stuff like the couch, kitchen table, bed, etc. etc. Hopefully between those things and the motorcycle, I'll have enough to make it to June without dipping too much into savings.

The house is still a question. I'm getting about 50 to 60 phone calls a day from my creditors. Maybe I should take it more seriously, but the fact of the matter is, I'm done playing this game. I'm through with the pressure of success that is the culture here in Southern California. I am done living in debt and working myself to the bone simply to pay off others.

I have been working in my profession since I was 12. I have never had a chance to relax and enjoy life. I have chased the all-mighty dollar for far too long, let it run my life, and am burnt out because of it. The past 20 years have been a great ride, but its time for a change. The stress this life has caused me is no longer worth its gains.

Bring it back to the moments that make each of us happy...

After all, life is just a series of moments...


I often find songs that embody my present state of mind, mirror my thoughts, and encapsulate my soul. The attached song is one of many.

I forgot what it was like to be happy. Pick your cliché… But I had an experience last night that brought me back to bad times of past. I am eternally grateful that I have people around me that love me without condition.

This is not to say I am one to take advantage. I am neither proud nor happy of the situations I have placed my loved ones in. However, I am proud of the reaction that my loved ones have shown during these events. I am forever in their debt, and somehow happy to be there.

I am cautious about bringing my life to Costa Rica. I will not be a different person, simply a person in a different place. What will happen when I need these people that have supported me, but are no longer there? I will be forced to rely on my own person, without compromise, without hesitation, without comfort or sympathy.

One cannot know one’s self without exploration. Trust in yourself, test yourself to the limit, and see what comes out the other end. Good or bad, just be honest. This will be the biggest undertaking I have ever sought, and probably, hopefully, the most rewarding.

Take me away… do what you want but you’re never going to break me.

Click Here To Hear The Song

Time Flys

Its February... amazing how quickly January went. Glad its over to tell you the truth...

Plans for Costa Rica are moving along, although changing almost daily. I've decided to start my trip in San Jose. Its a major city, which should make the transition a little easier. Were I to jump right into a rural city, I would have many obstacles to overcome immediately. Language barrier, culture shock, lonesomeness, possibly not finding an internet connection.

I figure its better to start slow, jump down to San Jose, the capital where I can find anything & everything I need. After a month or so, then take the plunge & move further into the country. This also gives me time to learn the language & practice my Spanish, get my bearings, and enjoy my trip a little more.

It looks like I'll be traveling to the Pacific Coast, rather than the Caribbean coast. The more I learn about the country, the more I find that the West Coast has better water, better surf (not that I currently surf), better weather, less hurricanes, etc. etc. By starting in San Jose, this also gives me a chance to network with the locals & really get a feel for what's next.

The time-line has moved up. Instead of 6 months, I'm now looking at 2 months. Although I will have my house for longer than 2 months, I didn't figure on having to pay the utility bills. It doesn't make sense to continue paying my electric, water, gas, internet, phone, tv, when I could be paying 1/4th the price in Costa Rica.

I'm waiting on two things. First, the dog. I am trying to give the EX some space, & let her figure out what she wants to do. However, its getting time that I call her & find out what plans she's made. If she is not going to take the dog, or find a home for it, I have found some options. However, its better to let her handle this, I need the detachment.

Second, I'm waiting to find a home for my stuff. My lil bro may be trying to find a place, but again I don't want to put any pressure on anyone because of my move. If that could work out, that would be excellent. If not, its all going on Craig's list... A little sad, I've spent a lot of money & time building my collection of "stuff", to be sold at rock bottom dollars... but its just stuff, and holds little value to me anymore anyways.

Once those two things are done, I'm outta here. Regardless of what has happened with my house at that point, I'm sure I can leave that to friends and/or family. That puts my departure right around mid-March or April. Much sooner than July 1st.

I'm ready... lets get this move started...