Food Poisoning

That's one giant kitty
First off, did anyone notice that the shirt I'm wearing in the "Tamarindo 2.0" post is the same shirt I'm wearing on my "About Me" page, and in the "Ocotal's Secret" video? The About Me picture was taken while horseback riding on Oahu, Hawaii, during a trip for my older brother's wedding...

Yes, I do own more than one shirt... I think...

So as you might have guested, I recently came down with food poisoning. The saddest part? I think I might have given it to myself. Thursday evening I cooked my usual pasta & chicken dish, but something must have gone horribly wrong. Understandable, since I've only started to learn how to cook within the past 3 months.

That evening around midnight I woke up to some very bad stomach cramps, and I'll spare you the rest of that story. I was up until around 6am, when I finally got some shuteye. I then slept most of the day Friday, and part of Friday night. Saturday morning I felt much better, so it wasn't really all that bad.

Last time I had food poisoning was in Milan, Italy. My girlfriend & I were backpacking through Europe, and I was so excited about Milan's zoo, which we were forced to skip. One of my favorite things to do while traveling is to visit a local zoo, because you always get to see exotic animals that we just don't have at home. I think I've mentioned that before...

The past week or so has otherwise been relatively quiet. I have visited Catrina at the Coffee House a few times. This woman can cook, and is now a necessity for anyone's visit. I tried their ceviche, which was delicious, of course. She put the fish on a base of pineapple, yum. I did forget to ask what type of fish it was, oops. Everything I've had there so far has been phenomenal.

I happened to meet the owner of the pirate ship that is docked in the bay here. This is one of the first ships I noticed after arriving in Coco. His name is Richard, and has lived in Coco for the past 20 years. He hand built this ship, starting with the hull in a dry dock a few coves over. He then had it towed into Coco bay, where he spent the next 5 years finishing the boat. Disappointingly he does not use it to pillage and plunder. Instead, he uses it to through a mean parrrrrrrrrty, matey.

Click to Zoom
Notice the lady
walking on the beach
I have fished a few times recently, with no luck. I've been running, at least up until the food poisoning. Basically, I'm just trying to get everything ready for my parents visit next week, which I am so excited about.

I cannot believe I have been here for nearly 3 months already. That doesn't even seem possible to me right now. Its time to renew my visa, and so I must leave Costa Rica for at least 72 hours before my 90 day visa expires. To solve this, my parents and I are meeting in Panama for a few days, then heading back to my house in Coco.

This will be the first time my Mom has left the country, and needed a passport for it. I'm so excited to see my Mom's passport with her first visa stamp in it, and to watch her reaction as we cruise the Panama canal together.

My Dad has been to Panama before during his time in the service, but did not get to go through the canal. We will hopefully get a chance to visit his old stomping grounds, and see just how much, or how little, it has changed. From the pictures we've seen online, it doesn't look like its changed must. Either way, the three of us will have so much fun together, and I can hardly stand to wait...
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