Sunset with Enya

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These photos were captured on a Canon SD900 - 10 megapixel camera using a photography method called High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDRI). HDRI is a set of techniques that allow a greater dynamic range of luminances between the lightest and darkest areas of an image than standard digital imaging techniques or photographic methods.

For HDRI photography, several pictures of the same scene are taken with different levels of exposure. For the photos in this video, I took seven pictures of each scene with the exposure ranging from -2 stops to +2 stops using 2/3rds stop increments.

These layers were then combined using photo editing software, and adjusted to achieve the desired effect. Each picture can range from very realistic photos, all the up to the surrealistic, or even cartoonish.

As with any other image on this blog, you can click the picture to see it full size...

Below is the GPS trail
where these pictures were taken
Hint: try clicking the green Play icon on the map
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